아이메이징 2.14.8 금이 가다 + 일련번호

아이메이징 2.14.8 금이 가다 & Full Activation Number

iMazing Crack this is a software program designed to give you extra management of your iPhone or iPod, 외부 저장 장치와 같은 특정 장치에 대한 액세스 제공. iTunes는 문제 없는 작업을 허용해야 하기 때문에, this device gives you a reasonable consumer environment that can switch information to your iPhone or iPod. As with these Apple devices, it’s enough to connect them effectively to your laptop. Once a connection is established, it’s best to enter its content material.

The fully operational iMazing Serial Number provides advanced management tools for managing paired and unpaired devices. You can connect to unlimited devices. 하지만, it allows you to save blueprints, apply data, and restore application data. Keep your Apple device up to date with the latest updates. Handling the recovery of the DFU mode. Its best automatic data backup helps keep your iPhone controlled by MAC and PC. 그러므로, this app does not require any paid cloud storage. It is the only software on the market that offers wireless backup systems. You can configure data backups as needed.

아이메이징 2022 Crack Full Latest Version

아이메이징 크랙

In addition to improved switching characteristics, iMazing allows you to export all the information, memos and almost all forms of knowledge stored on the iPhone. You can easily access the iOS file system and browse protected folders. this requires only a reasonably priced laptop asset to meet its goals and is very exciting on any home Windows model on the market. 요컨대, This software is a useful software program for every iPhone or iPod owner on the market. And because it turns these very popular units into external USB storage units, it provides new equipment for tens of millions of models around the world.

It also provides drag and drops options by default. You can easily drag files from one location on your computer to another. iMazing Crack has a multi-panel interface that displays device content such as voice memos, 미디어, 사진, 콘택트 렌즈, and notes. Export all media files from your Apple device to your desktop or laptop. 하지만, it is the most protective software for all types of devices. The software works well and provides a user-friendly environment.

Depending on the device type, it allows you to browse and quickly transfer files contained in various folders on your iOS device storage disk. When exploring iOS devices, iMazing activation number allows you to view storage areas, 이미지, 동영상, 음악, podcasts or content saved in Apple iCloud. It can be transferred back and forth by a simple drag and drop operation. Also Download 이글 크랙.

주요 특징들:

  • Access iOS files and browse iPhone, 아이패드, iPod touch
  • All fixed an old error when installing non-downloaded apps from the App Store
  • Automatically discover software and folders
  • 게다가, restore or install directly from the App Store feature
  • You can copy media files without any device syncing.
  • 게다가, the memory leak problem is solved when converting HEIC to JPEG.
  • Browse files and folders
  • backups that are no longer needed and that could be deleted.
  • Show empty device memory
  • Format selection to export iOS photos
  • The options for the desired app can be set via Apple ID
  • Installed issues with crashes and some replacement errors
  • Powerful file management including republishing, folder creation, renaming
  • There are a lot more.
  • Now you will be able to modify the HEIC image format to JPG
  • Optimized memory usage
  • Photo settings in the Multi-Knowledge tab
  • There are also iPad professional data and icons.

What’s new in iMazing 2.14.8 금이 가다

  • 지금, just press the title to easily reverse the order of the WhatsApp and Messages threads.
  • Fully compatible with the new iPad model
  • Fix issues related to exporting mail to PDF files
  • Good stability improvement
  • Fix this problem When loading theDevice Information” 보다, application icons were blinking.
  • Improved theUnlock device using the passworddialog box, click Cancel to pause the devices unlock prompt until the next user who needs it
  • Compatible with MAC 10.14 Mojave
  • Add fixes a rare crash on Windows and Mac when disabling theFind My iPhone” 오류
  • Fixed minor bugs and improved performance
  • New! Better handle NAS backups

system requirements:

  • Windows XP, Vista/7/8/10.
  • 맥 OS X 10.8 to all above.
  • 1 GHz Processor
  • 512 MB RAM

활성화 방법?

  • 첫 번째, transfer the crack
  • Run the installation file and complete the installation.
  • 요컨대, run Crack
  • This is the latest full version of all Enjoy iMazing Crack downloads.


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